jueves, 14 de abril de 2011


I recommend this museum because it is very interesting to see the kind of art, not only stuck in the monotonous.


the artwork of my interest is not his name, but a very complex and good is the mona lisa painting and Achaeans is a very simple but very controversial

art in my life is a distraction and can see the reflection of what he thought and felt in ways past artists to achieve its exprecion to others or their views.

 tutorial voz pasiva

tutorial voz activa

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

abril 4-8

review report
the review was not difficult but does not study and did not go so well, stop me either how to perform these tests

abril 4_8

Scene 1
this video is about the colors, what colors are going to get a habitasion and discusses the moods of everyone.

Scene 2
This scene tells us about the personnal, and was able to change camo encourage a friend.

Scene 3
this scene is an interview with the spersonas on the street, their Perzonal and how they make the decisions